Sand and Shell Casting
We have both conventional and modern casting facilities, i.e., sand casting and shell moulding. We can cast components weighing from 25 grammes to 5 kilogrammes per unit. A suitable casting method is determined based on the application of the product. Additional services, such as shot blasting, heat treatment, and electroplating, are also provided if required
Materials: Copper, Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, etc.
Application: Electrical, Automobile, Railway Signaling, Plumbing and Sanitaryware, Sprinklers, etc.
Hot Forging and Stamping
Hot forging is an advantageous method over sand casting owing to the enhanced mechanical strength offered by this method. Besides, it eliminates porosity and leaves no risk of leakage in the product. The ductility and surface quality of the product is superior. Forged parts for the sanitary industry have always delivered the best results and met the customers' expectations. Presently, we are handling forged components having a maximum diameter of 300 millimetres and a weight of 5 kilogrammes
Materials: Copper, Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, etc.
Application: Automobile, Electrical, Valves and Fittings, Builders' Hardware, etc.
CNC Turning and Machining
Certain precision jobs need to be executed on CNC lathe machines instead of conventional ones. The CNC machine is the preferred choice when the product demands tight tolerance. We have CNC and Swiss-type turning facilities capable of supplying products with tight tolerances of +/- 0.001 millimetres. The Swiss Sliding Head handles complex parts with high precision, which makes it possible
Materials: Copper, Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, etc.
Application: Automobile, Aerospace, Defence, Hydraulics, Electronics, Switchgear, Telecom, etc.
Pressed and Sheet Metal Cutting
Pressed parts are also known as Stamped parts. This process includes a variety of operations, such as punching, blanking, embossing, bending, flagging, and coining. It is used to produce simple to complex shapes. This process has high production rates and low labour costs and is very suitable for large-volume production
Materials: Copper, Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, etc.
Application: Automobile, Electronics, Construction, Medical, Builders' Hardware, etc.

Cold Forging
Cold forging is performed at room temperature to produce metal components to close tolerances and exact shapes. Almost negligible swarf or wastage is generated during this process. Hence, it is the most economical method to produce standard cold-headed fasteners such as DIN 83, DIN 84, DIN 85, DIN 86, DIN 96, DIN 97, DIN 438, DIN 557, DIN 913, DIN 914, DIN 915, DIN 933, DIN 934, DIN 936, DIN 963, DIN 975, etc
Materials: Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, etc.
Application: Automobile, Builders' Hardware, General Fastening, etc.
Qualité et Excellence
Notre société a été ISO 9001 : 2015 certifiée par l'agence d'accréditation ANZ - JAS. Notre présence dans l'industrie nous a donné l'exposition, l'expérience et le savoir-faire indispensables pour fournir des produits conformes aux normes mondiales telles que ISO, DIN, ASTM, GOST, JIS, etc. Notre équipe a atteint l'excellence en consciencieusement être à l'écoute des besoins de nos clients et y répondre rapidement. Nous nous efforçons de conquérir le marché grâce à notre approche amicale envers les clients et notre souci de développer des produits personnalisés
General Capabilities
Types of Machinery
Conventional Lathes
CNC Lathes
Drill Machines
Power Presses
Hot Forging Press
Welding Facilities and more
Processus du fabricant
Screw Machine Parts / Turned Parts
Hot Forged / Stamped Parts
Sheet Metal / Pressed Parts
Sand Castings / Shell Moulding
Cold Forged Parts
Types de matériaux que nous traitons
Primarily Non-Ferrous Metals like :
Stainless Steel
Aluminium and more